Value Portrait Drawing with Pattern Background
In this unit, students will create a graphite photo-realistic portrait with a pattern background.
The unit includes four exercises, one finished composition, a rubric and reflection. |
Portrait Photo HomeworkYou need a photograph of a person you want to draw. This person could be you, your best friend, your mom, some random person you think is good looking, really any person who is or has once been alive.
Print out the photo you want to draw.* Print it out in Black & White. The original could have been in color - that doesn't matter.
* You should have a good range of values in the face. * You should be able to see two eyeballs. * You didn't stretch or distort the face while trying to resize the image. Use printer settings to change the size - or hold down the shift key while manipulating the bounding box of the image. |
You could draw a self-portrait.
Use the Search Tools to select a LARGE IMAGE. |
What? No printer?!* You can email me the image and I will print it out for you.
* Your email should have an image file attachment.
* Do not embed your image into a google document or a word document. * Do not invite me to edit your google document. * Attach the image you want printed to the email. * Make sure the image is large enough to print. (See instructions to the left) |