Signature Bookbinding
Book Parts
Sewing Signatures
Make sure you pull the thread tight after each signature, so that the book ends up square.
- Cut tapes to fit the width of your spine plus an inch on each side. (If you spine is ½", then you need three 2 ½" tapes)
- With the signatures stacked in order, use a ruler to mark where the holes will go. (You need 8 holes on each signature - ⅜" from each edge and on either side of each tape.)
- Use awls or t-pins to pierce holes in the signatures.
- Starting from the outside of the signatures going in, sew across the first signature, placing tapes underneath the thread as it runs across the spine.
- When you get to the end of one signature, make sure you tighten the thread. Each signature should be tied to the last signature on each end.